Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Writing with a cat

Have you ever noticed how many authors have pets? Seriously, almost every author I know anything about has at least one pet (probably a cat)... and I am no exception to the rule, with one rescue kitten, and one elderly dog of my own to love. 

Why do so many authors have pets? I’m not certain, but I think it has something to do with the fact that many authors struggle with social isolation, (even on a normal year!) and pets can help to alleviate that. It’s also fairly common for authors to struggle with poor self-image, and having a little (or not so little,) fluffy friend who wants nothing more than to show you that you are loved can really help.  

Now, having pets is incredible, but sometimes there are a few struggles that come with actually writing with pets around; and I thought it’d be fun to take a light-hearted look at some of the pluses and minuses today. Specifically, I’ll be talking about cats, today, as I think dogs deserve a post of their own.

  1. They demand attention of their own. As I write this, I’m struggling through a game of keyboard wrestling with Berlioz, and my backspace key means certain death for my fingers. That said, this also keeps me from bogging down in cyberspace for the whole day, as I’m sitting with him every couple of hours.

  1. They are very “helpful.” Berlioz is quite a writer, just check out his blog https://berliozkitteh.blogspot.com but unfortunately, we have many stylistic clashes, as I don’t believe that “iJJJJJJJJJJJJJ” is a proper term… plus he is far more tech-savvy than myself, as he just got the computer stuck in full screen… and I kid you not, somehow managed to pull up his own blog, leaving me stuck on his page until I figured out how to reset the browser to a normal screen. He is now sleeping smugly on a pillow at me.                                                            

  1. They are adorable… and distracting. Even when Berlioz isn’t competing for the noisy buttons, he’s sitting across the room watching me, or in my lap purring, and demanding pets… and I can’t quite turn him down.

Despite all of that, however, I still truly believe that the world would be a better place if everyone had a pet… even writers.

Thanks for the read!

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