Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Photo marketing

Hello again!

Today I thought I’d talk about one of the stranger types of marketing I do; photo-based marketing via Instagram.

Now I’m predominantly tabling about Etsy marketing today, but 

I do also market my book(s) and author brand on Instagram.

The pluses of using a photo-based platform for marketing jewelry are obvious, it’s a good opportunity to get my product into the eye of potential customers, and a chance to practice my photography. However, it’s a little tricky to come up with good original ideas for backgrounds every week. 

So where do I get my ideas for backgrounds/photos? It varies. Sometimes I take ideas from the internet;

Sometimes I’ll have a vague concept;

Sometimes I’ll have a very specific idea of what I want and how to get it; 

And sometimes I don’t have any ideas at all, so I do something quick and easy;

Despite the trouble and annoyance of retaking photos due to shadows, (I take my photos by sunlight,) it’s incredibly rewarding when I finally get a good, clear, shadow-free shot.

Thanks for the read!

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