Friday, May 8, 2020


Week 8 of my Flash Fiction Fridays!

This week I have another in my series of kiddie cryptic stories, this one is about Bigfoot; enjoy!


Did you ever play hide-and-seek in the woods? That’s what I do every day!

Hi there! My name is Bigfoot, but I’m really only a little Bigfoot or a Littlefoot. I live in the woods, and I probably even have cousins living somewhere near you!

We live ALL over the place; almost every continent! We like the woods mostly… but a couple of my cousins, called “Yetis” like the snow and mountains. 

But… just like my friend Nessie, a lot of people don’t think that we’re real! We’ve got a game where we try to see which of us can hide the best, but Nessie is winning… there are SOO many of us that it’s hard for all of us to hide all the time.

Some mean people make up bad stories about us; they say that we EAT PEOPLE! Can you believe that?!? Who would want to eat a people? They don’t smell like they’d be good to eat, especially because we eat leaves and fruit most of the time, not other animals!

We just want to play and live with the other animals, we don’t want to hurt you at all! I think that they are just scared of us because peoples are so small, and we’re so much bigger than them.

We see people all the time… ‘Cause we live in the woods, and peoples like the woods, we see you doing strange things like fishing… we have friends that fish too, like bears… but you do it so strangely! Why would you use those great big sticks? Our friends just use their teeth. And what is this “camping” that you do all the time? You have nice warm cabins… why would you want to sleep outside? To see the stars? Then why do you use those “tent” things? You can’t see through those!

I think peoples must be much more shy then us; you spend so much of your time inside cabins and tents! We just hide behind trees and bushes, you hide in big wooden cabins and tents. But other times you seem so brave… you sit next to fires on purpose! How do you not singe your fur?

I guess I’ll never understand peoples… But I still like you!

Thanks for the read!
If you have any ideas for a story that you'd like to see me tackle, please share it below!

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