Tuesday, May 12, 2020

1 week with me!

Hello again! 

This week I'll be taking with you with me throughout the last week. Full disclosure, I was going to write this post last week, but I didn't take notes throughout the week, and forgot half of what I had done throughout the week by the time I sat down to actually write about it... plus it was a very rough-unproductive week. Also, this week was normal in some respects, but in many others, it was far from it, especially as we are in the middle of minor house renovations at the moment.

Without any further ado, here is my week.

My alarm went off at 9:30 every day this week, but I'm working on backing up my wake up time by 15-minute increments, with the hopes of reaching an 8:30 wake up time.
Devotional. I try to start every day with a short prayer time, and a short, simple devotional. I'm currently in the middle of "A Gentle Spirit: Devotions for Women" Sometimes they are really on the nose, and sometimes they really miss the mark, (these were written for married mothers, not single 20-somethings; something I didn't know before I started.) but I still find that it's a good idea, plus even when they miss the mark a bit I can still try to learn something from them.
Breakfast: homemade banana bars, and chai.

Checked my Etsy and social media stats. 15 minutes
Wrote my blog in a grammar checker, tweaked as I went, and scheduled it. 60 minutes.
Instagram photos: changed character and setting (Alice vs Christine and Lemon flower vs lemon leaves) at the last moment. I took photos, chose the best ones, cropped them, and posted them, 45 minutes.
Blog prep with photos: weeded, cropped, and added digital cleaner. 20 min.
Wrote out weekly schedule (not social media) I don't always write out a schedule for the week or day, but I thought it may help if I had a few visual aids for the blog. Also, I write out my social media schedule following a very simple template for the blog at the end of each month, and schedule them to an app which reminds me when they need to come out, and what exactly I planned to schedule... although I often need to make tiny changes or swap posts throughout the week.
Weekly schedule, tasks.

Weekly schedule at a glance.

Schedule for the day.
Monthly blog template.

1:30 Lunch: Vegan burger patty with mashed potatoes with corn, and lime water. I tend to take a short break over lunch to refresh my brain by watching a short episode of a retro show, just 24 minutes.
Rooted study: This is a devotional I guess? I've been going through it with my small group at church, and it's nothing like any devotionals I've run into before; it's better.
General house cleaning.
Editing my book: ½ chapter, 3.5 pages. 1 ½ hour work
Exercises: 30 minutes hula hooping and 99 reps on arms with dumbells.
Dinner: 6:30 crackers, cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, dressing, and NY Cheesecake and cherry pie filling for dessert, with a movie.
I go to sleep around 11:30-12:00 every night, plus I have insomnia, so sometimes that doesn't work out even with hot milk and melatonin. 

I didn’t sleep well.
Posted my blog manually, and posted it to Facebook. Although I always auto-schedule my posts, sometimes something goes wrong with the program and I need to post it manually. Not a big deal, just annoying.
Breakfast: Irish breakfast tea with milk, chocolate mint oatmeal.

Blog prep with photos: weeded them and edited. 5 min.
Washed the doggy's dishes.
Exercises: 15 routine- torso twists, 15 side-side and 15 obliques, 15 half-crunches, 15 obliques, 2 15 second ab holds 1 30 second ab hold. 15 toe taps, 15 double toe taps, cobra pose, child's pose twice.  
Lunch: mashed potatoes with sour cream spring onions vegan bacon bits cheese and sparkling juice.
Editing: 50 minutes.
Rooted Study: (I had a headache, hence the break.)
Editing: 25 minutes.
Snack: trail mix.
Small group.
Dinner: vegan chicken quesadillas with homemade mango salsa, gluten-free chocolate cakey things, and iced tea.


Breakfast: Irish breakfast tea, scrambled eggs, and remaining mango salsa.

The internet was out for the majority of the morning, so I waited until it was up properly to get started.
Blog prep with photos: 15 min.
My desk actually tried to fall off the wall right before small group, so I temporarily changed my workspace and swapped my planned post for my Etsy Facebook account.
From this;
To this.

Wrote Etsy Facebook post+scheduleed it: 20 min.
Lunch: fluffernutter sandwich with more tea.
Wrote short story+scheduled it: 30 min.
Rooted Study.
Ice cream+chocolate cakey thing break.
Edit ½ chapter: 80 min.
Dinner: noodle hot dish with sparkling juice.

Breakfast: fluffernutter with tea.

Our weekly game day was canceled in favor of fixing the subfloor, I stayed in my room for most of the day due to a mold allergy.
Blog photos: weeded and took them twice, and edited-5 min.
Lunch: fast food.
Editing: full chapter and grammar checker.- 105min.
Trimmed and washed the dog.
Dinner: more fast food, (the kitchen was out of sorts all day)

Woke up 8:15.
Transplanted tomatoes.
Wrote author bio, and tweaked back cover: 25 min.
Lunch: leftovers.
Dinner: Peanut banana milkshakes.
Note: we had a friend come over to help put our subfloor back to rights, and I wanted to make sure that I was available to help if needed, plus I couldn't focus with all the confusion in the house.

Breakfast: tea with rocky road baked oatmeal.
Put the house back to rights.
Snacks: chips and juice.
Dinner: cookie dough, apples, and hot milk. (I'm pretty sure we had vegetables with this or something, I just can't remember what.)
Again, I should have edited this day as well, but I was losing my mind at the moment.

Sunday was reserved for Church and Mothers day, but I typically don't work on Sundays any week, unless I really need to.

So what is the moral of this insanity? With a little faith, and a lot of tea, you too can lose your mind... or was that work from home? :)

Thanks for the read!

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