Friday, April 24, 2020


Whoa, week 6 of Flash Fiction Fridays already? That's amazing!

In case you haven't caught on yet, I'm working on alternating between children's stories, and grown-up stories every week... and we're back to kids stories this week! But that doesn't mean that grown-ups won't enjoy this story, any more than it means that kids won't like my grown-up stories. It's just a style of writing thing. 

A quick reminder; these stories are likely to vary greatly, so if you have younger readers with you, you may want to screen the posts before sharing. I won't write anything kinky, I'm really not that type... But I may write slightly intense stories from time to time, or I may simply have some content that you don't want to get into with your kids right now... I will try to include a "common sense rating" for my stories every week though.

As I said above, this book was written for children, and as such it's basically clean. I even geared this one towards a slightly younger audience, anyone 3 and up are likely to be fine with this one.

This week's story is simply called Nessie.

Hi there, I’m Nessie. Some people call me the Loch Ness Monster, but I don’t think I’m a monster… do you?

I’m a Plesiosaur… a kind of dinosaur who has long limbs, and a super long neck, kind of like an underwater giraffe. My home is in Loch Ness, a huge lake in the Scottish Highlands, and up on the shores, there are the ruins of a castle! How cool is that? 

The only thing is, I’m a little shy… I know that I’m SUPER big compared to you guys, and I don’t want to scare anyone! And… sometimes when people saw me before, they yelled and I got scared, so I hide most of the time now.

Some people think I don’t exist, or even that I died! But that’s not true, I’m as real as Bigfoot. 

I talk to the fish, so I know when it’s safe to come to the surface… I guess I’m a little naughty… because every once in a while, I come up when I know people are around, but I make sure that they don’t have a camera first so that I can look at them and tease them a little. 

I’ve heard lots of strange stories about humans… but I don’t really believe them; after all who would want to spend all of their time inside a building? Or even WORK all day instead of playing?

I guess you’re wondering why I wanted to talk to you, especially when I said that I’m so shy. Well I like my home in the Loch well enough, and all of my fishy friends… but sometimes I get lonely… Fish don’t tell the best stories… And I was wondering if you’d like to be my friend? I might not fit in your bathtub too well… but maybe we could be pen pals?... Oh wait, your letters wouldn’t last very long down here…

I heard that you are all stuck in your houses right now, so I’ve been spending a lot of time at the surface, it was fun to start with, but now I want someone else to play with too.

Unless… you are scared of me too… sometimes people are scary to me… but I’m sure that you are very nice, and that you wouldn’t be scared of such a little monster like me, would you?

I know that you live a long way away… but maybe you’ve read a book about me before… or watched a movie about me? And maybe… if we imagine really hard, we can play together in our minds! 

I know that it’s not very fun to be away from your friends; after all, I’m the only Nessie there is! My mom is a full-grown monster, not a little one like me, but it’s a lot of fun to imagine. And I even heard that you can talk to your friends on the computer. I don’t have one, or else I would talk to some of my cousins… I tried to use one once, but they don’t work too well when they’re wet… and my flippers are too big to push the buttons anyways… but maybe I could make friends with the sheep, and they could run the computer for me… although I don’t know how well their hooves could press the buttons either. 

Anyways I hope that you can play outside again sometime soon so that I can go back to playing hide and seek with the people over here. And that you can tell everyone that I’m real! 


Thanks for the read!
If you have any ideas for a story that you'd like to see me tackle, please share it below!

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