Tuesday, April 14, 2020

5 rules for working from home

With so many people working from home now, and me working from home all of the time; I thought that I would share 5 tips for a productive home-based working experience!

  1. Keep to a strict dress code. I personally choose to dress formally for a typical workday- you know, PJs AND slipper socks, sometimes I even stretch to a bathrobe!

  1. Set yourself a rigid schedule. I find that putting approximately 1,200 different things on a list and then getting upset when you can’t possibly finish all of them works best. 

  1. Balance work, chores, and life carefully. Make sure that you do this by constantly questioning whether you are spending your time well, and trying to decide which task to start with.

  1. Don’t forget to socialize. I recommend doing this by ignoring the outside world as much as possible, and only speaking with people outside of your household when it’s absolutely necessary.

  1. Don’t forget to have fun. For real, it’s easy to forget to have fun when you think of your house as your office… You can see that I haven’t lost my sense of humor though, and neither should you.

Keep sane ya’ll, be productive, and don’t forget to have fun!

Thanks for the read!

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