Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Berlioz's first Christmas season

 Hi there! Today I thought I’d let Berlioz write about all the mysterious changes in the house, as this will be his first-ever advent and Christmas. He is about 6 months old now, and we just put the tree up, so he has a lot to say.

My people are strange, I noted this shortly after they brought me into my house, but, as they are kind, snuggly, and feed me, I forgive them their oddities. One of their odd habits is that they change parts of the house out when they feel like it. Last time they brought lots of leaves that didn’t smell right into the house, but now I fear they really have lost their minds; they brought in a whole tree! 

Now, kittehs have excellent noses as I’m sure you know, and when I still lived outside, I smelled lots of trees, but this one doesn’t smell anything like any of them; trust me, I investigated this thoroughly. Not only did they bring this enormous funny-smelling, white tree into the house, but they also hung lots of sparkly shiny things in it, and do you know, they won’t let me play with them?

They keep talking about how it’s getting cold, but I’m not cold, the house is as warm as ever, but when uncle leaves every morning he asks how warm it is, sighs, and puts on lots of thick fluffy clothing, and a long thing, he calls a scarf. I keep hearing them talking about how it’s going to snow again, but I don’t see anything when I look out the window. 

I’ve only seen snow once, but mama says I will see it a lot more before long. When it snowed before, she filled a large clear dish with it and allowed me to sniff, and poke it around the slippery dish. It was cold, and it didn’t smell very interesting, but she and uncle kept trying to have me look at it anyway. Why would I want to investigate some strange cold stuff, when there are toys to be chased?

Some things are still the same, mama still comes to get me, and snuggles me whenever I call her during the day. Grandmommy takes care of me and feeds me before mama gets up every morning. Uncle plays with me and sleeps in the room with me. And every night grandmommy snuggles me, and mama says her nighttime affirmation to me before kissing me on the head and sending me into bed with uncle.

But even the movies we watch and the music we listen to are different. Some of them are happy and make me run around with glee, they talk about sleighs, presents, and Christmas; while some of them are slower, and make me much calmer, these talk about noel, stars, and a king. Some of the movies mama watches have kings in them, but I don’t think it’s the same thing. 

Mama says that I’ll like Christmas, but I’m not sure yet. Mama’s usually pretty smart but I don’t understand why they would bring in so many sparkly shiny things, and then say they are not for me to play with. I don’t know what sleighs or noel are, and I’m still not sure what Christmas is either. Mama says I’ll understand before long, that I’ll know it when I see it, but right now, I’m still a very confused kitteh.

Thanks for the read!

(Don’t worry, I’ll show him the Charlie Brown Christmas special, I think he’ll understand better after that!)

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