Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Writing with a dog

 Hi there!

Remember when I promised to write a post about writing with a dog? Well, here it is.

Now, having pets is incredible, but sometimes there are a few struggles that come with actually writing with pets around; and I thought it’d be fun to take a light-hearted look at some of the pluses and minuses today. Specifically, I’ll be talking about dogs, today, as I already wrote one on cats!

  1. They will check on you… especially at mealtimes. Have you ever unknowingly worked through dinner? Don’t worry, with a dog, that is impossible, they will make sure that everyone is well-fed.

  1. They will make sure you get fresh air, even if it’s just so they can use the bathroom. I mean come on, who doesn’t want to walk circles in the yard and watch someone else pee?!

  1. They will help you edit. Did you know that reading out loud can help you catch those tiny errors? Yet if you read to yourself out loud people may give you sideways glances, so just read to your dog! And don’t worry, I’m sure that the regular yawning and walking away to stare out the window are not meant personally.

All joking aside, having a furry friend to pet and play with when you can’t come up with the next plot-point is massively helpful, if only to your mental health. I can’t imagine not having a pet, as the only time in my entire life when there were no pets in the house was before I turned 2.

Thanks for the read!

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