Tuesday, June 9, 2020

My micro office!

Hello again! 

Today I thought it’d be neat to show you the place I write these blogs from- and make/store my jewelry and write my books… my home office! 

Rather than having a whole room for a home office, I use a corner of my own room for this purpose, I don’t need a whole room, nor do we have a room to use for this purpose alone. 

First up is my desk-

Looks pretty small right?
Well check this out;
Pretty cool huh? I like it too!

I store notes and office supplies, as well as my weekly planners in my desk, and this is also where I do the vast majority of my writing!

Then we have my jewelry tower and spare supplies-

As you can see, I've labeled my drawers to reduce confusion, and I also store some of my spare beads in "test tubes" beside the tower! (The buckets are just decorative.)

Now, in all honesty, I do also have a few shelves and baskets with books for research, and holding my spare shipping supplies, but I was hoping to keep this simple and fun so I’m not putting photos of those up; besides they’re pretty messy anyways. ;)

And that’s about it really. The truth is that the most important part of a home office is an “office” headspace, not having an entirely separate room, or a lot of goodies sprinkled around the room. Other then a workspace, and storage for all of the tools that you may need to work, you don’t really need anything else!

Thanks for the read!

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