Wednesday, May 8, 2019

2 Hands, 1 week

Hello there, and welcome to a rather odd blog post.

Sorry, I know this is kinda late, but today I have two “guest” writers: my own hands have their own tale to tell this week, and so I am handing over the keyboard to the same two who always help me to type anyways!

Hi! This last week we and your typical writer, whom we shall be referring to as “Rock Face” decided that WE should do the “talking” this week, and so without any further ado, here is our week.

Here we are, day 1, all fresh, clean and prepped for the week, freshly trimmed, with some clear-coat on top to make us look shiny and beautiful.

Day 2: today we decided to mix up some delicious chocolaty goo, it was well enjoyed, although Rock-Face complained of “Too much sugar”.

Day 3: today, presumably as a punishment for the sugar of yesterday, Rock-Face decided to plunge us into chilly damp dirt, or “soil” as she calls it. Although we often have a kind mistress, who rarely puts us through any undue strife, she does have a fascination for growing things, and we often have to take a plunge into the icy dirt to satiate her odd fascination. We fear this may be hereditary as her female kinfolk share it, and therefore, we fear, it may not be curable.

Day 4: today it was decided that we had been sitting idle too long and that we would have to exercise. After Rock-Face played with a giant circle and declared herself “warm”, we were forced to help flex with the purple heavy things, which are so fittingly called “dumbbells”.

Day 5: remember that thing we said about the dirt and growing things? Rock-Face is definitely suffering from a terminal fascination for dirt, and green things, she even made us move worms! Definitely, need to talk to her about this…

Day 6: today, we took the day of rest very literally, and relaxed on a lovely soft blanket, after Church.

Day 7: no photo today I’m afraid, we kinda missed our deadline and forgot to take one.

So there it is, one full week’s adventures, filled with mud, madness, and LOTS of typing!
Thanks for reading!

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