Hello again!
Once again, I’m afraid that I took an unplanned hiatus without any warning, I’m sorry about that. During the last few weeks I’ve needed to make a few hard decisions, which I will post about here soon, and I’ve been struggling to get back into the swing of things with the 3rd and final book in the “A Spy’s Memory” series.
For this week, I thought it’d be fun to talk about a few “author preconceptions” I’ve seen online, some true, and some… otherwise. As always I can only speak for myself, but these are my feelings on the matter.
Authors enjoy torturing their readers. Honestly? This is true. I take an unhealthy amount of enjoyment out of confusing, and confounding the readers in my head, but that is not to say that I am not equally shaken up when plot twists smack me in the brain.
Authors enjoy torturing/killing their characters. NOT TRUE!!! I’ve cried more over my books, and the stuff I put my characters through then you could imagine. But when the story goes that way, there is nothing else to do… more on that below.
Authors have ultimate control over what happens in their books/to their characters. This isn’t really true, but it’s also not untrue… it’s far more complex than that. Yes, I am physically the one who types out the things that happen in my books, but writing for me, (I am what is known as a “pantser” meaning that I don’t really draft or plot for the most part.) is equal parts coming up with what happens next, and watching the story happen in my head like a movie, with the characters doing whatever they wish. Sometimes I try to write something other then what is right for the story, but trust me, my books would be a LOT worse if I wrote everything according to my own whims.
That’s it for me today. I hope ya’ll found it enlightening, or at least entertaining. If you have any questions about author life, in general, or in regards to me specifically, feel free to share them below!
Thanks for the read!