Hey all, this week I thought that I would break from my "norm", and talk about something that I would usually stay quiet about...
I have social anxiety. I am self-diagnosed, (via the internet) but I certainly do have social anxiety. For years I thought that I was just shy, but thanks to Pinterest, I've recently (over the last two years or so,) learned that my issues aren't normal; and that I actually have social anxiety.
So first off, I wanna talk about 2 things that social anxiety isn't. 'Cause I feel like a lot of people kinda "don't get it".
- Social anxiety is NOT the same as being introverted or shy!
- Social anxiety doesn't mean that I don't like people, and don't want to talk to them.
So what IS social anxiety? I’m not really qualified to talk about that; I only feel qualified to talk about what it is to me… so here we go. First off, I do know that my anxiety, or rather my specific fears are for the most part all in my head; I don’t really think that ya’ll act this way, or feel this way about me… except when I’m in the middle of a worry-fest. I am actually an empath, and I can typically read people pretty well, but I’m also really good at over-focusing on the minutia and reading into things that mean nothing, so, with no further ado, here is what my social anxiety means to me.
First off, oddly, it is at its worst, not when I’m in the middle of a social situation, but rather immediately before, or after I spend time in a social setting; be it Church or my best friend’s birthday party. Social anxiety is, rather obviously, anxiety, and presents like that, through vicious, repetitive thoughts breaking through my otherwise logical mindset. In my case, it presents as an overarching, paralyzing, fear that everyone is judging every move I make… If I speak at all, I’m certain that you will misread my meaning, and if I don’t, for fear of what you think, then I’m sure that you will hate me for my silence.
As such I never say what I’m really thinking; and by the time I have rechewed my statement to the point where I feel confident enough to say it, the conversation has already moved on.
Have you ever said something REALLY dumb, and felt incredibly embarrassed afterward? Imagine, for a moment, that you have a voice inside your head telling you that EVERYTHING you say, or think of saying is stupid, and, if you don’t say it, that everyone will know that you chickened out, and hate you for that. I’ll try to break down a “social” day for you (in my case this means something as simple as going to Church).
Before an event, I think of everything that could possibly go wrong, I’m super prone to rashes, and I could break out, attracting tons of unwanted attention. I could stutter, when I get nervous I do this not infrequently so I don’t dare worry about that… I could even say something that could be misinterpreted as being insensitive, or racist… gosh, everyone would REALLY hate me if that happens!
These thoughts continue through the entire event, and get louder any time I want to say anything, or do anything; I won’t use the bathroom unless I really can’t hold it any longer, because then you’d all talk about how long I was gone. And I’m sure that you can read my mind, focusing on every slightly off-color thought that goes through my mind. When I leave, I’m worried that ya’ll are going to talk about how weird I acted, how quiet I was, and how I was all nervous.
Within the first few hours after an event, my anxiety tends to peak. In any conversation we naturally change our expressions a dozen times and have a few seconds of “blank face” this is perfectly natural, but as I go back over every comment I made (yes, every single one,) I focus on those blank moments, or the moments when you didn’t quite get what I was saying. I’m sure that you thought that I was stupid if I stuttered a single time, and if I mentioned myself once or more, then I was far too self-obsessed, as a matter of fact, I don’t really deserve friends, do I?
Yes, this is as exhausting and painful as it sounds, that’s why straight up avoidance is my preferred way of coping… But no, that’s not healthy, and yes, deep down I really do want to talk to my friends. So, not to put pressure on you but, I have just 3 things that I would like to say to ya’ll, in regards to dealing with me.
- Please don’t avoid me. That is not to say that you need to talk to me if you don’t feel like it, but please don’t think that I’m more comfortable if you leave me alone either.
- If you do genuinely want to talk to me. Please instigate. I really hate to put this on ya’ll, but I really can’t instigate, as it makes me feel like I’m sticking out like a sore thumb, and that makes me feel super uncomfortable.
- Please just be frank. Even if I did say something weird, then I'd feel better if you actually say it, rather then my spidey-senses telling me that you feel weird, so that I can read into it later.
Thanks for reading through this, I know that it’s rather long, and a little less upbeat, than normal. But one of the only places that I feel comfortable expressing myself is through my keyboard; and yes, that’s why I write.
And if you have any questions about any of this, please feel free to ask me!
And if you have any questions about any of this, please feel free to ask me!