Monday, April 29, 2019

A strange type of pixie

Hello again, and welcome!

Today I thought I could talk about an invisible pest who serves as both friend and foe to artists of all types around the world, I am of course talking about my elusive friend: the muse.

“A pixie?” You ask, “I thought the muse referred to a series of Greek goddesses!” Well technically you may be right, but that’s not how I view this ethereal force. The muse by definition is a strange force of inspiration, what that doesn't tell you is that it is never around when you need it. Think about it this way, you may be able to wax poetic about your dinner, or the way your day went, but if you were asked to write about these things in a composition, you may find that your inspiration quickly wanes. You may struggle with this in your day-to-day life, but more than likely you don’t need to worry about this invisible force very often. I, however, am working on a book at the moment, and therefore unfortunately do.

I personally find that the muse attempts to pester me when I should, by all rights be sleeping, to be fair though it does make a good excuse, as I am also a night owl: “But I can’t go to sleep now, there is a pixie invading my brain!” When I try to sit down and focus on the page, however, I find myself thinking about things like writing this blog post, or making lunch, or doing my exercises, or looking up the definition of muse!

Now you may be asking when I am going to give you some advice on how to set up a pixie trap for this tiny yet ever so important creature, but I’m afraid I have none to give. Some people will say that you have to power through it, but that doesn't necessarily bring the pixie to you, it only helps you to work anyways. As for capturing this flighty beast, I can only recommend that you work fast while it is there, focus hard, and don’t stop until it either leaves you, or you absolutely have to do something else. If you have any tricks that you know work for you absolutely do them! Music gets those wings in flight? Turn it up!

Now, why do I think of the muse as a pixie? That’s just how I imagine it honestly, but consider this, this is a tiny little creature who holds great power, and always seems to be flitting around your head, just out of sight, and buzzes around your ear when you need it least, this is either a trouble-making pixie, a flying Leprechaun, or a gifted mosquito, and I’m going with the pixie.

Thanks for the read!

Monday, April 22, 2019

Winter into Spring

Hello again!

As you can see I’m back! Sorry about that break, I know that it’s been a while, but the spring air brings colds, which I’ve already had more than my fair share of. Plus in all honesty, I just got distracted and kept forgetting to write. Don’t worry though, I’m back with no intention of leaving anytime soon!

Speaking of spring, in the midwest it often proves elusive, and even comes and goes as desired, just two weeks ago we had a HUGE snowstorm, and now we’re back to those promised “April Showers”. So I thought I would share a few images of that shakey journey into springtime, some were taken last month, while some were only taken a few days ago.

With our ever-changing weather, we’ve got a shocking ability to deal with what we’re given, already the warmer temps (staying around 50-60°F lately.) have been “thinning our blood” such that the 0°F days are FREEZING (No pun intended.) At the beginning of the thaw however, we were still very hale and hearty, so going for a walk in the park, through the snow and ice, hardly even made us blink.

Although I’ve lived here all my life, I have NEVER seen a snowdrift melt like this!

With the changing months, we started our garden! Which I’ll be showing you in much better detail in a month’s time, (when we’ve got it in the ground!)

Now spring is officially here! Isn’t it beautiful?

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little peek into the strange weather and lovely changes in it that we endure in the midwest!